2024 Trip Blogs

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¿Qué lo que, cómo va todo?

¿Qué lo que, cómo va todo?

Hello Glimpsers & Families! I’m Berenisse “Bere” Buenrostro (Left), your Regional Leader for Global Glimpse, and I’m thrilled to be joining you on this incredible journey to the Dominican Republic! As a GGL, I’m excited to share my experiences and insights with you, and I’m looking forward to seeing the world through your eyes. A ... READ MORE

Recent Posts

Day 11 – Community Action Project (CAP) Finale

Today we woke up at 5:30 AM and ate breakfast at 6:30 AM. Our abuelita Ilka made delicious empanadas, tortillas, caribanuelos, sausage, steak, pancakes, and eggs with vegetables. At 7:15 AM, we had a health check to make sure we were all feeling well enough to tackle the last CAP day! Then, we headed to the bus at 7:30 AM. We were really excited... READ MORE

Community Day; A day in their lives…

Hello Glimpsers’ loved ones! As leaders – David, Justin, and Ricardo – we ensured all glimpsers woke up at 6:00 am for community day. At 7:00 am we gathered at the dining area for breakfast: Eggs with tomatoes, fruit, and bread. The guagua picked us up at 8:30 am where our driver – Kelvin – ended his shift and handed us to... READ MORE


Hi, my name is Ayden and I am excited to go on this trip and experience everything it has to offer. I go to Eagle Academy 2 in Brooklyn. I signed up for this so that I could have an opportunity to go out of the country and experience things that I wouldn’t be able to if I was going on a vacation. I like sports, music, and video games; and hope to... READ MORE

Working Like a Local/ Global Business

Heyy friends and families, This is Grayson and Johanna, your first student Líders del dia (LDD), or in other words, the leaders of the day. We’ve had an eventful day today. In general, we continued our lessons about coffee from yesterday and then actually worked like a local in the fields. Our partner, Miguel, showed us his workers’... READ MORE


Haiiii! My name is Lupe and I’ll be traveling to Constanza, Dominican Republic in one day! I was born and raised in Lynn Massachusetts but I’m from Colombia and have visited my country since I was little. I love seeing the world through different perspectives and seeing how differently we all live in different environments and... READ MORE


Hey everyone, my name is Celines and I can’t wait to be traveling to Constanza. I go to Professional Performing Arts School as a dance major. I am a competitive dancer and am actively training to have a dance career in the future. I love to read books and listen to music. I live in the Bronx and I am Puerto Rican and Mexican. I’ve traveled to... READ MORE