2024 Trip Blogs

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¿Qué lo que, cómo va todo?

¿Qué lo que, cómo va todo?

Hello Glimpsers & Families! I’m Berenisse “Bere” Buenrostro (Left), your Regional Leader for Global Glimpse, and I’m thrilled to be joining you on this incredible journey to the Dominican Republic! As a GGL, I’m excited to share my experiences and insights with you, and I’m looking forward to seeing the world through your eyes. A ... READ MORE

Recent Posts


Hi everyone! My name is Olivia and I’m from Milford, Connecticut. I am actually coming into this trip as an independent student because my school doesn’t offer the program, but I’m excited to meet new people and make memories! Some of my favorite things to do are running, hiking, and baking. I run cross country and track at my... READ MORE

Day 5: Community Day!!!

Hey guys!! We apologize for the late blog post, but after the full day we had yesterday it was decided to write this update this morning instead. Yesterday morning some of us started off our day bird watching from 4-6am. We found some toucans and Costa Rican Squirrels. Later, after everyone woke up and had breakfast, we played rock, paper,... READ MORE


Our global glimpsers have finally touched down in beautiful Costa Rica! Their arrival was met with enthusiasm and warmth as we greeted them and set off for a delightful lunch at a charming restaurant in Curridabat. The menu was a hit, featuring dishes like rice and chicken, burgers with fries, chicken nachos, and refreshing juice made from fresh... READ MORE

Travel Reminders (last day summer blog post to come!)

Hello! We want to remind caregivers that tomorrow we take off from Santiago, DR at 6:00am, land in Newark, USA at 10:03am for our layover (one student, Kore, will be getting picked up), take off from Newark at 11:59am and land in Boston at 1:15pm. Students will need to pick up their luggage so we recommend that caregivers arrive at around 1:30 to... READ MORE

Cap Day 1

Holaaaa! Parents and friends! Today was our official first Community Action Project Day! We started our day with a big breakfast of banana pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit! 🙂 After that we walked down to the local school and got straight to work! We started by sweeping debris then mixing concrete together and laying it down. After a few hours... READ MORE

Bohios Campo Café Oh My

Hello from the DR, Today was our second full day in Jarabacoa. We welcomed today’s day with a 7AM wakeup call followed by a delicious breakfast of toast, jamon y queso, cereal, fresh papaya and pineapples, and sweet tamarindo juice. Directly after breakfast, we visited Bohios Campo where we learned about cacao, and Taino indigenous... READ MORE