Recent posts from: Jinotega – 6/07/2016

Poverty Day

Today was maybe one of the most impactful days that we as Glimpsers will experience on this trip. Today we learned what true poverty looks like. We visited the local dump today in which we met some of the many people who live and work there. This experience was...

Reality Challenge: Living Like A Local

On our second  reality challenge day, our group learned to value family and happiness. This challenge was extremely gratifying. As the families welcomed us into their homes we saw that all that mattered to them was loving and supporting their family and community....

Fun Day

Today was a different day from all other days, it surely was fun day for us . We got the chance to go and kayak on Lake Apanas along with some games . The day didn’t look like it would’ve been fun because of the weather . It was raining so much and it was...

Day 5: Aid and Development!!

Hello family and friends! Let me begin with saying happy birthday to Indira (our Nicaraguan group leader)! We had a great surprise party filled with games, music, and cake! Everybody had lots of laughs and enjoyed participating in the games. Today was aid and...

Día 4 Educación

Day 4 in Jinotega complete. ✅ Waking up at 5am was no challenge for our glimpsers. El Colegio La Salle welcomed us to their class with excitement and kindness. Although at first it was difficult for some students to communicate with the Nica students, they all tried...

Day 3: Culture

This was a BIG day, celebrating Nicaraguan culture in a variety of ways.  We took 4 “field trips” starting with Ceramicas Negras (black pottery), a fascinating coop business for women in a beautiful region called Tomatoya just northwest of Jinotega....

History & Politics Day

Day Two! Today was full and exciting! After a 7am wake up and a hearty breakfast students returned to the hotel for their first academic seminar. Powerful discussion took place about how history affects the future and how different countries impact each other...