Recent posts from: B1B Bonao 6-26

Adventure Fun Day!!!

Hello family and friends, These are your leaders of the day, Myrthe, Grace and Michelle Nie. Today was an exciting day that everyone looked forward to after the days of humidity and sweat. It also really challenged our mental strength and drew us out of our comfort...

Free Day 1!

HELLOOOOO FAMILES! Today’s Leaders of the Day 7 were Whitney and Yota. Today we had our first free day where we had a chance to go out with ambassadors and explore the city. For breakfast today we were excited to eat cereal. In the afternoon, all of us were very...

Bonao Day 6 LLAL Day

Hey Families wassup! Leaders of day numero 6 were Julia, Rohini, and Valeria! Today´s theme was living like a local. Our schedule for today´s theme included waking up early, taking bucket baths, no electricity, no fans, and no spending money. The intent behind these...

Bonao Day 5

The leaders of the day were Jessica Ambrose, Briseida Ayala and Jocelyn Romero. Today we met with Esteban Polanco, one of the founders of the Federation of Farmers, at the Federation. He shared his story and why he started this organization. He told us that through...

Global Business Day

Hey! Today our Leaders of the Day were Isabella Cristobal and Sydney Williams! Today we learned about Global Business here in Bonao, Dominican Republic! We started the day off with breathing gym lead by Isabella at 7:45 am followed by breakfast, which consisted of...

Bonao Day 3

Hello! Today´s LLDS ‘(leaders of the day) are two of our three Global Glimpse Leaders Caitlin and Matt! Today was culture day here in the D.R.! We explored various cultural traditions here in Bonao such as traditional wood carving national dances, fitting as many...

History Day =)

  Today was our first full day in country, and what a journey this was!! After a really invigorating night we started our day full of excitement and ready to take it all in, most of us were up even before the first wake up call!! After our breakfast with Licelot...